This video will show you how to sell your dental practice in three steps. As an orthodontist, selling your dental practice, whether partially or wholly, is an excellent way to raise cash for retirement. However, identifying the right price and […]

Will I Ever Be Able to Afford a Home? Try These Financial Tips
Are you longing for a home of your own? You ask yourself, will I ever be able to afford a home? The truth is, owning a family home is within your reach and affordable, but you need to plan and […]

An Overview of Securities Litigation
This video covers vital areas in the securities litigation arena involving issuers, intermediaries, brokers, dealers, and underwriters. The nature of the securities markets and their participants makes them particularly prone to manipulation, fraud, and other forms of misconduct that may […]

Selling a Dental Practice? Check Out These Tips!
If you are selling a dental practice, it will be incredibly beneficial for you to watch this video. This video is presented by a former dental lender that has some great advice about what it takes to sell a practice […]

How to Build a Marketing Plan for a Small Business
A thorough and researched marketing plan has the potential to make your business thrive. It can bring the dreams that you have for your small business to life by offering yourself, your investors, and your employees actionable items, a vision […]

Tips for Working With a Collateral Loan Lender
Video Source If you are working with a collateral loan lender then you need to make sure that you have the ability and willingness to pay. Otherwise, you may be facing very unpleasant consequences. Your ability to pay is based […]

Dissecting the Process of Business Loan Services
Getting funding for your business idea is most commonly done by approaching banks or financial institutions. Ensure you are updated on these fronts to increase your chances of getting approved for a business loan service. It would help if you […]

How to Get Money for Private School
Everyone desires to give their children the best education possible. For many folks, that means sending their children to private school. Private schools can help your children thrive educationally and emotionally. That said, many parents worry about the cost of […]

How Bond Agents Work
Wondering how bond agents can help you with your investment portfolio? Well, they can be your go-to guy if you want to invest in agency bonds. In the complex world of financial fixed-income securities, it’s probably the safest investment you […]

How Much Money Will I Get From Social Security Disability Insurance?
Video Source If a disability is keeping you from work, Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, can be an important part of helping you maintain a good quality of life. But how much money will you actually get from SSDI? […]