As a home owner, there are various aspects to look into to increase the curb appeal of your exterior. With the right concrete supply and other items needed it is easy to increase the aesthetic value of your home. Maintaining your garden does not stop when spring comes to an end. It is important to keep on top of your gardening chores even during the less busy winter months. I know you are probably thinking, ‘Why would I be worried about my garden right now? Doesn’t it have a lovely rest?’ Well, although you do need to give your garden some time off, there are still some jobs that need doing for it to survive until next season. Maintaining your yard between seasons will keep the grass healthy and looking good. Here are some tips for maintaining your lawn between seasons:
Remove and Dispose of Debris
This means you have to get out there and clean up your lawn. The debris can be placed in garbage bags or trashcan but do not just leave it on top of the grass as this will create an unsightly mess that could attract unwanted pests such as rodents.
Once you are done removing all the excess clippings, weeds, etc., make sure to properly water your lawn so that any leftover debris can settle in with the soil rather than be left sitting on top of the grass, which could potentially cause a fire hazard during periods of dry weather.
Do not wait until spring is right around the corner before beginning to clear your lawn of debris. We suggest you remove the bulk of the debris before the very end of Autumn to ensure that it does not remain during the winter months with much less to no rainfall. Leaving the debris on top of your grass will likely cause problems to your lawn between seasons and, potentially, also lead to potential hazards for yourself and anyone else around you, such as damage to your property or injuries caused by tripping over long pieces of weeds extending over to your asphalt paving.
The roots of the weeds may penetrate to other parts of the property leading to damage. Avoid the search and expenses of getting an asphalt crack filler by controlling weed roots and plants in general.
Do not let this simple task become an inconvenience that makes you feel lazy or unmotivated to follow through with it. You do not have to spend hours upon hours removing debris from your lawn, but just taking enough time out of your day can go a long way, which is why we suggest you choose a day that best suits your schedule and then take the time to remove as much debris as possible.
Instead of leaving the debris to pile up on top of your lawn, dispose of it properly. Once you have removed all debris from your lawn between seasons, make sure to water your lawn for any leftover residue to be absorbed into or otherwise dissolved with soil.
If you do not water your lawn following the removal of debris, there is a greater chance for dry grass becoming hard and brittle which can cause problems with mowing down when Spring arrives, such as tire tracks in the grass that could potentially last until new growth occurs again in the future.
Aerate to Remove Thatch Layers and Reduce Compaction
Aerating involves using a tool to help remove soil cores from your turf, allowing air, water, and fertilizer to penetrate the lawn’s root system more easily. It also helps reduce any compaction damage done during previous mowing sessions between Spring and Autumn by loosening up compacted soil that has become very dense over time.
Compacted soils will not allow proper amounts of good essential things like water or oxygen to reach your lawn’s roots properly, which is why you want to fix this issue as soon as possible before it becomes too late (e.g., Winter is almost upon you).
What can cause these issues? Compacted soils are often found in grass areas where excess weight is frequently placed down. So, once you remove the bulk of your lawn’s debris in-between seasons, start aerating right away to ensure that your lawn is ready for spring! You can still do this even during the months where there is less rainfall by simply watering your lawn afterward to help dissolve any leftover soil cores, which may cause problems with mowing down when spring does arrive.
‘Topdress’ or add new topsoil to the lawn between seasons. This will involve breaking apart and smoothing out your soil with a rake, so there are no clumps or chunks. If you do not want to add anything else other than topsoil, that is fine as well! If you do not have access to good topsoil, then compost is also fine. Remember that it contains decaying organic material that will be more susceptible to disease and could lead to certain weeds growing in your lawn should any seeds from these composted materials sprout up.
After you aerate, if done so before Spring arrives next year, rake the soil cores until smooth and then seed overtop with good quality grass seed, which can be found at local hardware stores for relatively cheap. After seeding, lightly water your newly seeded lawn until moist but give it enough time to dry completely before walking or doing any light exercise on it.
Fertilize Your Lawn Before Beginning the Lawn Next Season
Some fertilizers can be purchased over the counter at hardware stores or fertilizing companies, but you may want to consider using organic fertilizers instead if this applies to your situation. As an added tip, make sure to water your newly seeded lawn for two weeks (while still avoiding any rigorous activity) before seeding it again next year between seasons!
Using composted materials can work too but will result in more weeds which means more future time spent pulling out these weeds by hand, so decide wisely depending on what is available to you during this season. Also, do not forget that adding topsoil is always an option as well! And voila! You now know how to care for your lawn all season long, so you never have to worry about it ever again.
Leave the grass clippings on your lawn when you mow between seasons. Two main reasons you want to do this are because one, adding mulch back to your lawn will reduce how much work it takes to prepare for the next season by giving nutrients to your soil and allowing it to retain moisture. Two, keeping the grass clippings in place also helps protect your newly seeded areas against erosion, which means less time worrying about repairing these areas before spring arrives.
Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with raking off the majority of the grass clippings that are left on your lawn before aerating it either, but this will all depend on the size of your lawn and how much time you have left within a day to get all of these things done.
You also do not have to place more topsoil overtop of these clippings if you do not want to because they are slowly decomposing back into your soil anyway! This is why we recommend leaving them in between seasons instead of raking them off right away because more grass clippings equals less work for yourself down the road when Spring does arrive next year.
How about that? You know now how to improve both the health and longevity of your lawn just by taking two simple steps which do not take that long at all! The most important thing to remember, however, is that you want to avoid using weed killers/pesticides with this process because doing so can strip your soil of all of its nutrients and might even kill off any new grass seeds that you placed in it during aerating.
Edge Your Grass as Needed Using an Edger or Spade
Using a lawn edger (a spade is fine if you do not have one available) when wanting to add borders to your lawn or when edging between flowerbeds/lawn sections is always recommended when it comes to this simple step-in caring for your lawn. A custom builder with expertise in lawn designs will help you with edging your grass before engaging concrete companies or a concrete contractor in installing your flooring next to the garden.
Using an edger is pretty self-explanatory as it allows you to cut into the soil at a 90-degree angle, making it very easy to place borders around flowerbeds or other lawn sections that you wish to separate. Just remember not to dig too deep with this tool; otherwise, you risk stripping these areas of their nutrients; and also, make sure to keep your blade sharp for easier use!
If using a spade instead, however, note that you will be cutting across-A a potted or bagged grass seed of your choice (we recommend a mixture of fescues and bent grass, but you can visit your local hardware store for more details) will work great for this task!
Use a Lawn Roller to Prepare/Pack Properly Down Your Soil
Using a lawn roller (available from most hardware storage facilities, but the cheaper brands will usually come in a square shape instead of being round) when wanting to add borders to your lawn or when edging between flowerbeds/lawn sections is always recommended when it comes to this simple step in caring for your lawn.
Using a lawn roller is pretty self-explanatory. It allows you to compress any loose or soft soil that might have been left over after aerating and helps pack these areas down even further so that they do not shift around with irrigation systems afterward. It also gives grass seeds within these specific areas a much better chance at reaching their full potential when planting them because they are now packed very tightly together.
Remember not to overuse these within your lawn, however, because doing so can cause unwanted ridges to form, especially if you are trying to grow a specific type of grass that adapts well to having some space between each seed.
Apply Weed Control as Needed
Use weed control for those weeds growing in the cracks of your sidewalk, driveway, etc. Applying weed control (available at your local hardware store and usually sold as a pre-emergent treatment) to the cracks on sidewalks and between paving stones, for example, is always recommended when it comes to this simple step in caring for your lawn.
Weed control products often work as pre-emergent by releasing chemicals into the surrounding soil, which prevents these weeds from sprouting up altogether. However, it will not kill off any existing weeds, so you will want to remove those manually if needed before applying them along with these areas.
These chemicals are only released around specific points throughout spring and summer. However, depending on where you live, keep this in mind as you do not want to apply too early, or else these chemicals might wash away with the first round of rainfall. Just remember not to overuse weed control in areas where you have already seeded new grass seed because doing so can cause the chemicals within these products to kill off these too and prevent them from growing at their full potential.
Use a Weed Eater/Trimmer to Make Your Lawn Edges Look Nice and Clean
Using a weed eater (also known as a string trimmer) when wanting to add borders between flowerbeds or simply when edging around your lawn is always recommended when it comes to this simple step in caring for your lawn.
Weed eaters are pretty self-explanatory as they allow you to cut any unwanted growth that pops up along your borders or within specific sections of your garden. Just remember not to line up too close to these areas, or you risk nicking/cutting them! If using a weed eater, try to aim for the growth that pops up the most and is closest to your lawn borders.
It is best to use this tool when cutting around your lawn edges as it makes the area look much cleaner than having any sprouting weeds sticking out along these sections afterward. It also makes mowing next to your sidewalks much easier if you want to cut right against these specific areas without fear of chopping off some of your lawn (especially when edging flowerbeds).
Water Sparingly
Use enough water to keep grass blades upright and moist but not soaking in the hope of deep root watering. It is often recommended to water your lawn sparingly instead of watering it heavily and allowing excess water to run off into the surrounding areas.
Watering your lawn too much can cause unwanted problems such as earthworms being washed away from their natural habitat in the ground, erosion along slopes/hillsides, and also the buildup of fungus/mold both under and above ground when soil is allowed to become too moist for a prolonged period.
Using a soaker hose or ‘leaky’ hose when wanting to add borders between flowerbeds or when edging along specific sections within your garden is always recommended when it comes to this simple step in caring for your lawn.
Soaker hoses are pretty self-explanatory as they allow you to water your garden/lawn with a slow trickle of water instead of creating wasteful runoff that can cause unwanted problems. Soaker hoses need to be placed directly on the ground (not elevated), or they will not work!
Avoid strenuous exercise on lawns when the injury is possible because this will cause damage to your lawn. Summer is the season of playing and enjoying. Days are longer, nights are warmer (in most regions), and it feels like a great time to get out and enjoy some peaceful recreation such as spending time in hot tubs, playing in the sun, and going on adventures with friends and family. However, while we are outside enjoying ourselves, we should remember that our lawns need us for arborist services and maybe suffer from lack of attention during this time. There are several things you can do to your lawn between seasons that will ensure that when spring comes, it will be healthy, vibrant, and ready to continue living up to its fullest potential throughout the upcoming year!