Most people today are dealing with financial challenges. Whether your individual finances are tight, or if you’re trying to make a success of your business, it’s common to struggle with financial challenges. When basic needs are already crimping your budget, spending money on things you don’t seem necessary might seem unwise. Yet, many such things can result in a good ROI (return on your investment) – so spending money on them may be less foolish than you’d thought.
1. SEO Services

If you’re responsible for publicizing your business, you already know an essential part of publicity will be found online. If potential customers are looking for a business like yours, you’ll want them to find your company easily. Designing a great company website won’t add to your company’s profit margins unless potential customers can find your company.
Wise business owners may already know the key to gaining online attention is using SEO (search engine optimization.) SEO strategists choose specific keywords a potential customer may look for during an internet search. SEO strategists then ensure those words are included in your company’s landing page or marketing materials. When potential customers do a Google search to find a new business, help from an SEO agency can be instrumental in helping new customers find your business.
Online business experts know potential customers are likelier to click on a business they find listed in the first few Google listings. Finding an experienced SEO agency may be costly, but their advice and guidance will be invaluable. After working with SEO experts for a while, you’ll realize their help has provided your business with a guaranteed ROI for their fee.
2. Cosmetic Surgery
It’s normal to want to look attractive, and making sure your appearance is at its best is important to everyone. There may be parts of your body you may wish could be different. You might dislike the size or shape of a body part. Some people decide those disliked features bother them enough to have cosmetic surgery.
For example, many people dislike the size or shape of their noses. You might want a change in the size of your breasts or to reverse the effects of aging by eliminating facial lines. Some people opt for the removal of birthmarks or large scars. Still others decide to enhance the appearance of their cheeks with cheek injections.
Although cosmetic surgery can be costly, the resultant improvements to your self-image will provide you with a guaranteed ROI – albeit an emotional one. A study done by Cornell University showed people who have cosmetic surgery experience an increase in their self-esteem. With their self-image improved, cosmetic surgery patients also found a residual improvement in their physical health, their mental health, and their social life. These results have been shown to make significant positive changes in their lives.
3. Investing in the Stock Market
One of the most common ways people increase their personal income is to invest in the stock market. A wise investor can profit by predicting which companies will increase in value. Owning stock in a company also allows you to feel as if you’re part of that company’s ownership and have a stake in their financial future. By building income from stock trading, you could also be building funds for your retirement.
However, investing in the stock market does not always bring a guaranteed ROI. No matter how much experience you’ve accumulated during your years of investing, the profitability of stock investment depends on many things beyond an investor’s control. Because of the uncertainty of stock market investments, stock trading can’t give you a promise of profit.
If you’re determined to invest in the stock market, taking a stock trading course is a good idea. The financial experts providing these courses have years of industry experience, and the lessons can give you strategies to help you choose the best stocks. These courses also teach you when to buy, sell and diversify stocks. If stock trading becomes your preferred way to make money, improving your knowledge base will help you be in the best possible shape to make money from stock trading.
4. Investments Related to the Agricultural Industry

Methods of managing a farm have changed over the years. With climate change, air quality issues, and differences in soil composition, today’s farmers need more elaborate methods to achieve ideal plant growth conditions. A critical area of land preparation is preparing an adequate drainage system. Providing your farm with adequate drainage is essential.
For example, if too much standing water accumulates on your land, this can be as damaging for your soil as a drought. Current advances in farm drain services include innovative methods to ensure maximum soil hydration. Although some of these new drainage methods can be costly, their future benefits to your farm will reveal those methods to be a guaranteed ROI.
One example of innovative soil drainage strategy includes underground perforated drains (called ’tile’ drains). Another popular method includes land shaping (creating a sloping land shape to manage the water level). Choosing the correct method of soil drainage for your farm will depend on several factors. Asking other farmers in your area for advice can help you find the right answer.
5. Computers and Printing Machines
If you’re part of a business, or it’s your responsibility to choose your business’ computers or other business machines, there can be many decisions to make. Most companies need to have at least one functioning copy machine. Other firms will also need a fax machine, a printer or a desktop computer.
You should research the types of business machines your office will need. Sometimes, you may choose a copy machine that can also fax and perform basic printing services. If that’s the case, your business may sometimes need to print some special documents. Finding a local laser printer service and entrusting the printing project to them may then be your best option.
If you decide to pay for professional printing services, you’ll want to get a guaranteed ROI. Laser printing has a reputation for creating the highest quality images. Laser printing produces a clear picture and precision lettering in a short period. That level of quality and the speed of its availability will result in promotional materials with the best possible results.
6. Vintage Apparel Trends
There’s a saying about fashion trends: ‘Everything old is new again.’ Although there will always be new and unique fashion trends, one style which often re-emerges is the vintage clothing industry. Unlike other clothing businesses, keeping a vintage apparel store afloat will take a unique approach. That’s because the types of people who love vintage clothing don’t respond to conventional sales methods.
You’ll need to stock your store with plenty of vintage clothing in multiple sizes and patterns from your preferred era. Moreover, to maximize the sales prospects of the store, consider narrowing the clothing and accessories in your store to one specific type. For example, there’s often a recurring demand for ‘Goth’ clothing. Other vintage clothing stores may prefer to capture the tastes of ‘Mad Men’ fans who like the clothes of the early 1960s.
As an example of capitalizing on a special theme, a store that offers ‘Western’- themed clothing may choose to hold country line dancing classes or Country music karaoke nights. They may also invite local leather artisans to provide specially crafted Western boots or milliners to design a monogrammed custom cowboy hat for those who want them. Making those extra efforts to find and offer these unique services will bring you a guaranteed ROI and a growing reputation within your community.
7. Management of a Golf Club

Management principles for company growth often include the same types of strategies for all types of businesses. If you’re a golf course manager, you’ll want to find ideas that will lead to increased popularity and revenue. One of the primary keys to managing a golf course is ensuring the golfers don’t feel as if they’re “just playing a game’ — but that they’re enjoying an entertaining event.
As the golf course manager, you can suggest many strategies to make your golf course more popular. Encourage your clients to see your golf course as ‘their’ course. You can initiate course loyalty programs, establish an app for tee-time reservations, form local golf teams or leagues, or invite your clients to events and tournaments. Selling imprinted promotional materials in your gift shop will allow the name of your business to spread throughout your community.
To best ensure a quality experience at your golf course, you’ll need to ensure the quality of all its associated features and equipment. Evaluate the grounds and the surrounding greens. Some golf courses offer their guests the use of a golf cart during their visit. In that case, the money you invest in golf cart maintenance and repair for your course carts will result in a guaranteed ROI due to increased customer satisfaction as they drive around the grounds.
8. Boat Rentals and Sales
If you are the manager of a boat rental company, there are important guidelines to follow for optimal income. When people visit your company, they’re usually looking for a fishing excursion or to enjoy an island adventure trip. So, you must have a well-trained staff and well-maintained equipment.
As the manager, you should regularly inspect each boat according to safety standards. You should personally go out in each boat and experience a trip in each one. Check for local boat inspection guidelines and aim to exceed any local standards. Avoiding boat accidents, when possible, will result in guaranteed ROI from your customers who learn to trust you.
One additional path for profits for a boat rental company is boat sales. A customer might grow to enjoy boat trips so much they could decide to buy a boat. Designing a contingency plan for a possible sale can be a wise strategy. You never know if this can happen, but being ready for serious damage can e a wise investment.
9. Used Car Sales
Since most people have bought a used car, it’s probably easy to see how owning a used car dealership can be profitable. However, used vehicles can carry unseen problems, and a used car dealership must overcome a prospective buyer’s skepticism. By following some guidelines, many wise auto dealers have made a good profit. It will take wise preparation to earn a good reputation, but you’ll find a reputation for integrity can be achieved.
Before opening an auto dealership, research the city where you’ll have your business. Research the range of budget typical residents of that town may have. The area’s climate and road quality may also influence what kind of cars may sell well in that area.
Even after you select your site and gather your first group of sales vehicles, you’ll need to reserve funds for future expenses. Hire a knowledgeable and charismatic sales staff to reap a guaranteed ROI from the money you invest in your business. Developing a mutually profitable relationship with a local auto repair shop is also a good idea.
10. Businesses Involving Copper Piping

If you’ve ever worked as a plumber or for a home improvement store, you have probably discovered how profitable copper piping can be. Although selling copper piping on its own only sometimes provides a guaranteed ROI, these popular pipes have a variety of uses. Research into the home improvement industry will show you copper piping is used in the following industries: plumbing, HVAC, electrical, medical, and other industries.
If you’re looking for maximum profit potential, copper piping can be used frequently by a plumbing company. A recent survey of business trends shows small-diameter copper piping is now the most popular type. Workers installing gas and water tubing find copper pipes easy to install, and also less likely to rupture in the case of an earthquake.
Everyone wants to have enough money to feel comfortable if possible. Getting a good return on any investments is not a guarantee. However, by researching and using the above guidelines, you may find your investments will be worth the risk!