If you’re in business, then it’s important to make getting a portable cash counter your business. The failure to do so can actually have a negative impact on your business by making things a lot harder than they need to […]
Top 3 Reasons to Sell an Annuity
If you have an annuity or structured settlement, you may be inclined to relegate it to the back of your financial portfolio as the product that you can do nothing about. For many holders of annuities or structured settlements, this […]
How Much is Your Company Really Worth? Figuring Out the Answer to This Question
Determining the value of your business is essential if you plan on selling it. If you?ve ever watched the hit show Shark Tank, you?re likely familiar with the reality that entrepreneurs may want to believe their company is worth something […]
Understanding the Business of Business Valuation Firms and What They Can Do to Improve Your Business
It’s no secret that starting a business is significant investment, and not necessarily a financial one. Creating a successful business is a huge undertaking that requires not only a major financial investment, but a major emotional investment that includes large […]
7 Reasons to Sell Your Annuity
If you have won the lottery or received an inheritance or a settlement of some kind, then you know that you have a lot of decisions that you are going to have to make. One of the main decisions is […]
4 Ways a Lump Sum Can Change Your Life
Money makes the world go round. If you are one of the lucky to have received an annuity as a result of a lawsuit or a lottery winning, accepting payments in smaller chunks may prevent the cash from burning a […]
Don’t Waste Any More Tears on In House Payroll Outsource, Outsource, Outsource!
Payroll is something that we employees take for granted, but it can be a total nightmare for businesses to figure out and do correctly, especially small businesses. It’s a necessary administrative task that has to be done — and done […]
Lavish Lifestyles or Comfortable Peace of Mind It Should be Your Choice
Even if money is not your main focus or goal, it is pretty safe to say that everyone desires to live a stable and secure life, not wasting time being preoccupied or stressed out about where your money is coming […]
Control Your Money by Getting Cash for a Settlement
If you are receiving annuity payments as part of a structured settlement, you may have the option to sell your settlement in exchange for a lump sum of cash. If you choose to get cash for a settlement, you will […]
How Initial Public Offerings can Benefit Professional Traders
Initial public offerings or IPOs became popular and part of everyday speech in the late 1990s. Since that period, they have ridden the ups and downs of the market and followed its overall trend. If the SandP goes up, then […]